Goal Seeker

Figure 13.2: The Goal-seeking Subsystem
Click inside any shaded region in the image to expand the section

Return to the Overall Diagram, Priority Decision

The goal seeking subsystem is probably the most important subsystem in the Behavioral-Navigation-System This subsystem enables the vehicle to make course corrections that minimize the distance and the heading of the vehicle relative to the objective location.

The goal-seeking subsystem uses Fuzzy-Logic to determine the desired velocity and desired heading to send to the torque-controller. Two discourse sets, or UODs, were created. The first UOD describes membership in NEAR and FAR fuzzy sets based on the distance between the vehicle and the target. The second UOD determines the membership of the relative heading of the target in the fuzzy sets named FRONT and BACK. Using equation based rules, desired heading and velocity were determined.

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This module is part of a robotics simulation that was demonstrated in a Master's Thesis entitled:

A Subsystem Approach to Developing a Behavior Based Hybrid Navigation System for Autonomous Vehicles

The thesis was defended by Stephen W. Soliday, Dec 1995, at the Department of Electrical Engineering at North Carolina A&T State University.