Artificial Target Generator

Figure 13.1: Artificial Target Generator
Return to the Overall Diagram

The first major component of the Behavioral-Navigation-System is the target generator. This system is the principle system for simulation of wandering behavior. By providing a randomly positioned artificial target to the navigation system, and then moving that artificial target to a new random location, a wandering type pattern of movement will be exhibited by the vehicle.

The target generator is made up of two subsystems. The top box in Figure 13.1 is simply a user defined switch. The switch chooses between an artificial target and a real target. The bottom box in the figure, is the random target generator. The purpose of this subsystem is to create a set of coordinates for an artificial target.

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This module is part of a robotics simulation that was demonstrated in a Master's Thesis entitled:

A Subsystem Approach to Developing a Behavior Based Hybrid Navigation System for Autonomous Vehicles

The thesis was defended by Stephen W. Soliday, Dec 1995, at the Department of Electrical Engineering at North Carolina A&T State University.